Life in the D9: Its Spring Time

SOS probate outfit she has a thing for Japan

SOS probate outfit she has a thing for Japan

So its spring time which means one thing when your in the Divine Nine system or D9…its PROBATE time. I always love this time of the year you get to see all the new people who realized that they want to be apart of organizations that have been built upon many great traditions. They were built out of the struggles of the 1900’s-the civil rights era. I am part of the greatest BLUest sexy felines out there, I am a Zeta. A proud member of the Pi Nu chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, INC. I’m going on three years of being a member in this great organization. I’m starting to feel like an old head lol. I have been over two and half lines, I seen my share of troubles and despair within orgs, but yet we try to work it out. Probates,neophyte presentations, coming out shows what ever you want to call them are always a great thing. Last week at my school the Rhos (or Sigmas as they like to be called) came out the reviews I heard of there show where good but I heard that they dissed the Deltas. This wasn’t normal dissing this was I hate your org with all heart, I want yall to beat our asses thats hard we going to go at you hard. Believe me the Deltas were not happy at all. This friday the Deltas will get there chance to show the yard just how much they really appreciative the Rhos lol. Normally at probates there is a D9 part where you pick on each org like you would pick on your little sister, that picking where you say something mean but you really don’t mean you just want to annoy your sister. Thats usually what D9 greetings are all about but now at most of the probates that I have been to orgs are going way to hard at certain people, and orgs. When I crossed in Fall of 2006 we went hard at the Kappas for being on academic probation and throwing all sorts of damn parties every week but that was warranted (at least to my DP it was lmao). Probates have become hate shows now to the point where schools will ban your org if you diss another. I missed the probate today at Fayetville State due to the fact I have a job and I got off at 7 and the probate would have been over by then. My line sister Triple C and my Zeta baby AZ told me it was a good showing for the Blue and White fam. There’s a Zeta probate Thursday at the home of the national champs UNC  but once again thats a two hour drive and I get off at 7 that night too. I will be in attendance at the Elizabeth City State probate though on Saturday to see my Zetas. Its officially road trip season when I actually start traveling. Next week will be another probate here at UNCW with the Precious Pi Nu girls giving them a show that they will definitely be talking about. Yes I’m biased that is my home chapter. The best part of most probates to me are the outfits, hey I like fashion don’t judge me. Some people come out looking like trollops, others like us come out looking classy, sexy and so much more. Personally I really didn’t like our show outfits they were to plain. My first lines outfits were not that great because we were working on a budget. I love seeing people go back to the days of above ground pledge attire. The crisp white shirts, the perfectly hemmed skirts, the shiny black mary janes, the perfectly creased slacks, nobody ran around looking like a vagabond with hair all over there head. I wish people would exemplify those standards again and quit making our orgs look like high paid gangs. I will continue on this another day but even with all this negativity I still love probate season.

This video has nothing to do with probates but it does feature My Big Sister Blu Enchanment from The Precious Pi Nu chapter she starts in the middle Z